TRAEC 1.1版本评估流程
Step 1: Problem Formulation
1.1. 我们聚焦于在环境和人群中可以准确测量的,存在较高检出率并且当前未控制的一些环境暴露因素,例如农药、全氟化学物、重金属等。
1.2 关注当前发病率高、测量结果真实可靠,并且对人体具有潜在健康风险的不良健康结局,例如慢阻肺、糖尿病、肥胖、脂肪肝病、职业病等。
1.3. 针对特定化学物的潜在靶标健康风险构建科学的问题架构,例如“孕期阿特拉津暴露与后代的神经发育之间的关系是什么”。
Step 2: Evidence Collection
2.1. 证据收集包括现有及新开展的证据,并且全面结合各种类型的研究数据,这也是与传统风险评估相比的最大区别。
2.2. 研究人员需要查阅现有研究,包括已发表的流行病学、体内和体外研究的相关结果。通过整合不同来源的数据(如文献数据库、权威机构和官方网站)获得。
确定检索数据库(PubMed、Web of Science、ScienceDirect等)
对检索到的无关内容,初筛时根据摘要和分类将Meta、Review、Conference abstracts、Case reports、Guidelines等进行排除,复筛时对文献内容进行详细阅读,对无法提取到相关数据以及无关的内容进行排除,例如:
1. 流行病学研究
PMID | Experimental Subject | Exposure Mode | Research Results | Conclusion | Concentration |
36809709 | 710 pregnant women in the second trimester were randomly recruited | A total of 49 pesticides were measured simultaneously using gas chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS). They assessed neuropsychological development in children using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), Third Edition. | Prenatal exposure to pesticides might adversely alter child neurodevelopment. | Developmental neurotoxicity associated with prenatal exposure to pesticide | Atrazine (serum) LOD:0.05ng/ml GMD:1.04ng/ml |
2. 体内研究
PMID | Experimental Subject | Exposure Mode | Research Results | Conclusion | Effect Concentration |
28027470 | Male quail chicks (Coturnix C. coturnix), aged 18 days with an average weight of 86.7 ± 6.4 g | 50 mg/kg, 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg atrazine were administered once a day orally by gavage for 45 days. | Atrazine enhanced the activities of cerebellar CYP450s and increased the contents of CYP450 in quails. The cerebellar PXR/CAR pathway responses were activated by exposing to atrazine. | Atrazine exposure induced cerebellar toxicity. | 50, 250, 500 mg/kg |
3. 体内研究
PMID | Experimental Subject | Exposure Mode | Research Results | Conclusion | Effect Concentration |
34146662 | hESC-H9 cell line (WA09, WiCell Research Institute, USA) | NSCs were exposed to 100 μM atrazine, starting from 1 DIV for either 5, 10 or 15 days (DIV 5, 10, 15), total medium change containing 100 μM atrazine was performed twice a week. | The dopaminergic system was not the only target of atrazine neurotoxicity, glutamatergic neurons and astrocytes were also adversely affected. | Atrazine not only inhibited proliferation and induced cell cycle arrest but curbed early neural differentiation.. | 300, 500 μM |
Step 3: Evidence Scoring & Conclusion
TRAEC策略的评分系统分为四个部分:第一部分:可靠性得分 Reliability Scores;第二部分:浓度权重Weight of Concentrations;第三部分:相关性Correlation Scores;第四部分:完整性Integrity Scores。
可靠性得分 Reliability Scores
1. 流行病学研究Epidemiological studies
Participants and sample size研究对象与样本量 |
1. Are the fundamental demographic characteristics of the study participants adequately documented, including but not limited to age, gender, and BMI? 研究对象的基本信息是否充分,如年龄、性别和BMI等? |
2. Is the sample size of the study adequate and reasonable? 研究样本量是否充分且合理? |
Study design研究设计 |
3. Is the study design appropriate for the characteristics of the test chemical? For example, the selection of the exposed population, time, and mode. 设计方案是否适合试验化学物的特点?例如选取的暴露人群、时间和模式。 |
4. Has a control group been included, such as positive control, negative control, crossover control, or self-control? 是否纳入对照组,如阳性对照、阴性对照、交叉对照或自身对照? |
Data collection and analysis数据收集和分析 |
5. Is the detection or assessment of exposure assessment scientifically appropriate? 暴露检测或评估的方法是否科学恰当? |
6. Are the study endpoint(s) and their method(s) of determination clearly described? 是否明确描述研究终点及其测定方法? |
Plausibility of data数据合理性 |
7. Are the statistical methods for data analysis provided and applied in an appropriate, transparent manner? 是否适当且透明的提供与使用了数据分析的统计方法? |
8. Is the description of the study results thorough and transparent? 是否清晰和完整的描述了研究结果? |
Bias偏倚 |
9. Baseline data for both included and excluded populations, as well as high and low exposure groups, are well-balanced, comparable, and adjusted for significant confounding factors. 纳入/排除人群以及高/低暴露组的基线数据均衡可比,并控制重要混杂因素。 |
10. Descriptions that reflect the quality control in the implementation process are included, such as on-site supervision, quality control of samples or questionnaires, etc. 描述实施过程的质量控制措施,如现场监督、样品或问卷的质量控制措施等。 |
2. 体内研究In vivo studies
Test compound试验化学物 |
1. Is the chemical name, source and the purity, of the test compound given? 是否提供试验化学物的化学名称,来源以及纯度? |
2. Is there an appropriate solvent (vehicle) used? For example, it does not interfere with the study results at the concentration used, and a solvent (vehicle) control is incorporated. 是否使用合适的溶剂(载体)?其在试验浓度下不会干扰结果,并加入溶剂(载体)对照。 |
Animal model动物模型 |
3. Is the animal model used for investigating the test compound and selected endpoints reliable and sensitive? 用于研究试验化学物和选定终点的动物模型是否可靠和敏感? |
4. Is the animal model described, such as species, strain, age or life stage and sex? 是否描述动物模型的物种、品系、年龄或生命阶段和性别? |
Dosing and administration of the test compound试验化学物的剂量和染毒 |
5. Is there a reasonable exposure mode stated? For example, it includes a clear explanation of duration, dosage, and routes of exposure, etc.. 是否有合理的染毒模式?对染毒时间、剂量和途径均有明确解释。 |
6. Are the method for allocating animals to different treatments and the total number of animals per dose group specified? 是否规定将动物分配到不同染毒组的方法和每个剂量组的动物总数? |
Data collection and analysis数据收集与分析 |
7. Are the test and/or analytical methods used sufficiently described to allow for evaluation of the reliability of results? 是否充分描述所使用的测试和分析方法,以评估结果的可靠性? |
8. Are the method for allocating animals to different treatments and the total number of animals per dose group specified? 是否规定将动物分配到不同染毒组的方法和每个剂量组的动物总数? |
Bias偏倚 |
9. Are experimental conditions consistent across all study groups? 各研究组的实验条件是否相同? |
10. Can we trust the outcome assessment? 结果评估方法是否可靠? |
3. 体外研究In vitro studies
Test compound试验化学物 |
1. Is the chemical name, source and the purity, of the test compound given? 是否提供试验化学物的化学名称,来源以及纯度? |
2. Is there an appropriate solvent (vehicle) used? For example, it does not interfere with the study results at the concentration used, and a solvent (vehicle) control is incorporated. 是否使用合适的溶剂(载体)?其在试验浓度下不会干扰结果,并加入溶剂(载体)对照。 |
Test System动物模型 |
3. Is there a dependable and sensitive test system (e.g., cell line/cells /tissue /organ/ embryo/sub-cellular fractions) with metabolic capability, where applicable, utilized to investigate the test compound and endpoints? 在适用的情况下,是否有可靠和灵敏的具有代谢能力的测试系统用于研究试验化学物和终点?(例如细胞系/细胞/组织/器官/胚胎/亚细胞组分) |
4. Are the conditions for culturing and/or maintaining the cell line/ cells/ tissue/ organ/embryo/sub-cellular fractions (including temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, media formulation, number of passages, and contamination control) adequate? 培养和维持细胞系/细胞/组织/器官/胚胎/亚细胞组分的条件是否合适?(包括温度、湿度、CO2浓度、培养基配方、传代次数和避免污染) |
Administration of the test compound试验化学物的剂量和染毒 |
5. Are the duration of exposure and the concentrations used suitable for the test system and investigated endpoints? 染毒时间和浓度是否适合测试系统和研究终点? |
6. Are the test conditions during and after exposure to the test compound suitable, such as media and serum used, cell density, incubation temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration? 暴露于试验化学物期间和之后的条件是否合适,例如使用的培养基、血清、细胞密度、培养温度、湿度和CO2浓度? |
Data collection and analysis数据收集与分析 |
7. Are reliable and sensitive tests and/or analytical methods used for investigating the endpoints? 是否使用可靠和敏感的测试和分析方法来调查终点? |
8. Are the statistical methods clearly described and do not appear inappropriate, unusual or unfamiliar? 是否描述清楚统计方法,没有不恰当、不寻常或不熟悉的内容? |
Bias偏倚 |
9. Are experimental conditions consistent across all study groups? 各研究组的实验条件是否相同? |
10. Can we trust the outcome assessment? 结果评估方法是否可靠? |
二:浓度权重Correlation Scores, ε
三:证据强度Risk intensity.
1.1 分:暴露与结局的风险强度(RR/OR/HR):(0,0.5]或[2, +∞);
2. 0.8 分:暴露与结局的风险强度(RR/OR/HR):(0.5,1]或[1, 2);
3. 0.4 分:暴露与结局的风险强度(RR/OR/HR)P ≥ 0.05。
1. 1分:表型、分子/细胞水平均提示变化;
2. 0.8分:仅出现表型、分子/细胞水平变化。
3.0.4 分:无表型、分子/细胞水平变化
1. 1分:表型、分子/细胞水平均提示变化;
2. 0.8分:仅出现表型、分子/细胞水平变化。
3. 0.4 分:无表型、分子/细胞水平变化
四:相关性Correlation Scores.
研究类型 | 分数 | 关联方向 |
流行病学/体内/体外研究 | 1分 | 正相关 |
0分 | 无显著相关 | |
-1分 | 负相关 |
五:完整性Integrity Scores.
研究类型 | 评分标准 | 分数 |
流行病学/体内/体外研究 | 包含任意一个 | *1/3 |
包含任意两个 | *2/3 | |
全部包含 | *1 |
ω……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Reliability Scores
Ɛ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Weight of Concentrations
r……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Correlation Scores
I……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Integrity Scores
C…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Lowest Concentration of Effects
n………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Number of studies of a single part
i………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Number of All studies
(一)不同类型研究分开评分,Reliability Scores相差2分以上需要由另一名研究人员仲裁;
(三)Correlation Scores对于不同研究结果之间的差异性可以进行抵消;
(四)Integrity Scores是在计算平均证据得分后再计算证据链的完整性;
(五)Number of evidence是证据的数量,不是文献的数量,同一篇文献可能存在多个类型的研究证据;
(六)Comprehensive evidence score对于每项单独的研究是reliability,weight of concentration, correlation三部分的乘积,对所有研究的得分汇总;